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The Complete Process of Creating Unique Content?
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Pridružio se: Mar 14, 2020
Poruke: 4
Poslato: Pon Mar 16, 2020 7:14 am Naslov: The Complete Process of Creating Unique Content? |
Cool down
The draft is ready and now you will want to reread it again and fix the errors. But it will be a waste of time and effort
It is extremely difficult to edit your work immediately after writing it. Save the document and forget about it until the next day. You will restore your performance and quickly fix all the shortcomings and errors.
Now, having refreshed your eyes, you can read your article in the way your audience will read it.
Evaluate your content for compliance with the following statements:
● You said something new in your article.
● All supporting information pertains to the topic.
● The text has enough information that confirms your point of view.
Make sure that the story flows from one section to the next, revealing paragraph by paragraph the key idea of the article
Check annotation. Is the first sentence intriguing? Reduce the annotation as much as possible. On social networks, articles with short annotations (40-100 characters) receive more clicks, likes and reposts.
Check grammar and punctuation. Simplify the text, exclude difficult to read constructions.
Come up with a headline. It should be informative, but short (7-10 words).
Congratulations! Now you know more about creating content than many brands that today publish their materials on the Internet.
After going through several hundred cycles of these six steps, you will gain the power of a content Jedi and learn how to create materials that will be quoted by future generations.
As a content marketer, you must relate to the production process with all the responsibility that is inherent in a professional writer and publicist.
And remember, as we wrote in the article “ How to create a content strategy to be discussed ”, it is extremely difficult to create truly high-quality content alone.
Teamwork plays a key role in setting quality content to stream.
Evaluate your strengths and take part of the process on yourself. If you have a graphic designer, then working with him will improve the visual component of your publications. If you have difficulty generating ideas for articles, but are good at promoting, then engage in community or PAID advertising, and delegate work on the text to the content manager. Therefore, even starting alone, always look for like-minded people
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